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Dana featured in "Local Food Eater" Article

Show star Arabians, Bravas, Pearl and Shade, steal your breath away, even in an image. Watching them perform confirms that these three proud animals define talent, effortless grace and beauty. We wondered what these almost ethereal creatures eat – and what they think about what they eat. So we sat down recently with internationally known animal readers, Dana Dvorak, and separately with Dr. Sarah Larsen to find out.

Dana reported reported first ( All three of them told me that they love their lives and are happy. The horses mainly feed on grains, hay and carrots. Shake requested more carrots. He also likes fresh grass and would like more apples. Bravas also said he would also like more grain. That is his favorite.

“When I checked for the health issues, I was told that Pearl has a sensitive digestive system and can be prone to bloating.

“All three horses feel they are very special and their training puts them into a different league than other horses. It is almost like they would have graduated from a horse college; they feel educated. They consider themselves very refined, and all of them are very intelligent.

The Cavalia Odysseo show is performed Under the White Big Top, 16576Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, California, 92603.

For details and ticket information, please see

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